Dear Parents,

As the Head of School, it is my great pleasure to welcome you and your child to our Renaissance community!

Leonardo da Vinci was a Renaissance student! It is fitting that a man of his colossal genius inspires much of this website, the evidence of his artistic and intellectual output peppering its pages, with illustrations of his designs and thoughts throughout. If he were alive today, he would almost certainly be an IB student. The range of his thinking, his intense curiosity and love of learning sets him apart from many of his stellar Renaissance generation. He was a man truly ahead of his times, making discoveries that were not confirmed by scientific proof for more than 400 years after his death. He is an example worthy of emulation by all our students and faculty alike.

This year, as I celebrate more than 30 years in education, both in the UK and internationally, my focus and energy on behalf of students, parents and faculty remain undimmed, to provide at our school the highest quality educational experiences, service and outcomes for all.

Renaissance is on a significant journey in its history. We are a fully accredited Council of International School, and alongside our full participation in Cambridge International Examinations, FOBISIA, and EARCOS, the light of our regional, national and international profile continues to shine.

This year sees our accreditation into the International Baccalaureate Organisation (IBO) Primary Years Programme, and Re-Accreditation into the Diploma Programme. Similar work on accreditation for the Middle Years Programme begins shortly, and already an excellent start has been made. Once complete, Renaissance will be the only though IB Continuum School in Saigon that also offers the renowned IGCSE examinations for mid-Secondary students.

Underpinning the value of the school is the development of every individual; through the strong values that are instilled and the opportunities given, students focus, grow and thrive. Engagement is expected in the range of academic, artistic, physical and enriching activities on offer. Service and Leadership are strongly encouraged. Participation gives meaning to self and others, building towards the goal of adding significant value to the local and global contexts in which our students live.

It is indeed when we discover our purpose, our strengths and what we really enjoy that true fulfilment comes. Your child is, or could be, attending a stimulating learning environment that is well-run, healthy, safe and purposeful. Renaissance is a place where your child is valued, recognised, heard, where they know they can flourish. Here at Renaissance, we lay foundations for young people to develop into responsible, well-rounded and balanced individuals who leave us equipped with the skills, knowledge and resilience necessary to face an increasingly complex and challenging world.

We cannot do this alone. As a family-oriented school, we not only appreciate the partnership we have with our parents. We expect it. You want the best for your child. We share this vision. You have chosen Renaissance as the school for your precious child, and we do not take for granted the trust that you have placed in us.

Welcome to Renaissance!

Mr. Mark Sayer
Head of Renaissance International School Saigon