Renaissance International School Saigon has a keen interest in recognising and rewarding talent, particularly from amongst disadvantaged students. We are pleased to offer scholarship opportunities to prospective students who wish to join the school’s close-knit community.

We want the worthy to benefit from the wonderful education available at Renaissance International School, to discover their full potential and achieve future success at university and beyond.


The school offers three types of scholarship:

1. Music Talent Scholarships:

Scholarships worth up to 80% of tuition fees will be awarded to students displaying outstanding performance or potential. It is open applicants from Year 7 (see age comparison chart here).

For applicants to understand more about the award, and the specific process of application, please refer to the Music Talent Scholarship booklet below.

Note: The Selection Event #2 is approaching. 

  • Submission Date for Visual Material and Written Documents: Monday 24th March, 2025
  • Assessment Dates: Saturday 29th March, 2025 and Sunday 30th March, 2025

Download PDF

Click here to apply for a Music Talent Scholarship


2. Academic Scholarships:

Note: Submission Due Date for the 2025-2026 Academic Year is Monday 24th March, 2025.

For applicants to understand more about Academic Scholarships, and the specific process of application, please refer to the Academic Scholarships booklet below.


Download PDF

Click here to apply for an Academic Scholarship


3. Exceptional Talent Scholarships:

Note: Submission Due Date for the 2025-2026 Academic Year is Monday 24th March, 2025.

The School invites applications from students with proven evidence of other exceptional talents.  This may be in the area of Art, Sports, Leadership, Service or chess.  Scholarships worth up to 80% of tuition fees will be awarded to Secondary students.

An Exceptional Talent Scholarship may not be combined with any other form of fee discount or scholarship but in the case where an Award exceeds an existing fee remission, the higher value will prevail.

The value of the scholarship offer is determined by looking at:

  • the documentary evidence submitted in support of the Exceptional Talent Award;
  • cognitive ability test scores, and
  • evidence of high achievement and intellectual curiosity, assessed at interview.

Applicants should use the Application Form below.

Click here to apply for an Exceptional Talent Scholarship


Application Process

Students interested in applying for a scholarship are requested to:

  1. Complete the relevant application form.
  2. In the form, applicants should provide any type of relevant evidence (Merit certificates or evidence of regional, national or international recognition/award in the case of Exceptional Talent Awards).
  3. In the form, a Personal Statement must be completed and submitted, stating why the applicant should be considered worthy of an award. The statement should not exceed two sides of A4.
  4. Once all applications have been screened, shortlisted students will then be invited to sit the entrance test and attend an interview with the relevant members of the Selection Panel.



The application process for scholarships for the 2024-2025 Academic Year is now closed.

We invite applications for entry to Renaissance International School Saigon for the 2025-2026 Academic Year. Submission Due Date for the 2025-2026 Academic Year is Monday 24th March, 2025.



Email: [email protected]


At Renaissance, we believe that quality education encompasses more than just academic achievements. We strive to create a vibrant learning environment where students are encouraged to explore their passions, think critically, and develop essential skills, such as creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving.