High-quality learning at Renaissance International School Saigon includes the development of fundamental skills and ways of working: collaboration, communication, critical thinking, idea-sharing, problem-solving.

High Quality Learning for Students:

  • Students have active roles in their learning;
  • Students are enthusiastic about learning;
  • Students are able to work both individually and in cooperation with friends and Faculty Members (group work);
  • Students can reflect on their learning;
  • Students can determine goals and make plan for those goals;
  • Students understand and recognise that learning is a continuum in which it is acquired knowledge and skills and know that where they are in this process;
  • Students can make interdisciplinary links.

Personalised Education: Nurturing Each Student’s Potential

At Renaissance International School, we understand that every student is unique, with distinct strengths, interests, and learning styles. Our experienced educators design individualised learning plans that cater to each student’s specific needs and drive embedded learning. Through personalised education, we ensure that students receive the support and resources required to excel academically and reach their potential.

Engaging Curriculum: Real-World Relevance

Great education goes beyond textbooks and classrooms.  Our curriculum is designed to be engaging, relevant, and aligned with real-world experiences. We encourage students to think creatively, identify and solve problems, developing the necessary critical skills for success in the 21st century. By connecting learning to the wider world, students gain a deeper understanding of concepts and develop a lifelong love for learning.

Collaborative Learning: Fostering Interaction and Teamwork

At Renaissance International School, we believe in the power of collaboration. Our classrooms are vibrant spaces where ideas are shared, discussions are encouraged, and students actively participate in their own learning journey. Through collaborative learning, students develop strong communication skills, learn from their peers, and build the essential competence to work effectively as part of a team.

Continuous Improvement: Ensuring the Highest Standards

We are committed to maintaining the highest standards in learning and teaching. Regular assessment and evaluation of teaching methodology and curriculum allow us to adapt and improve continuously. Our dedicated educators engage in ongoing professional development to stay updated with the latest educational practices, ensuring that our students receive the highest quality of instruction.

Partnership and Community: Nurturing Student Growth

Outstanding education requires a working partnership between the school, parents, and the wider community. We foster open communication and a cooperative approach to create the supportive networks that nurture student growth and success. By working together, we empower students to thrive academically, physically, emotionally, and socially.

Join us at Renaissance International School, where high-quality learning and teaching inspire students to become confident, well-rounded individuals prepared to make a positive impact on the world. Contact us today to learn more about our educational programs and how we can empower your child’s educational journey.

Teacher Evaluation and Support

At Renaissance International School, our comprehensive Teacher Evaluation and Support Rubric serves as a valuable framework to guide and empower educators towards excellence. It establishes clear expectations across instructional practices, classroom management, assessment strategies, professional growth, and collaboration.

Regular formative feedback sessions based on the rubric allow for constructive support and reflection, fostering a culture of continuous improvement. We are also deeply committed to professional development, offering extensive training, resources and opportunities to drive discussion. Collaboration through learning communities and sharing best practices enhances instructional strategies and student achievement.

Join our team of high-quality educators and explore opportunities on our Recruitment page. Together, we create a positive and supportive work environment that values dedication and celebrates achievements.