
Be Happy | Belong | Be Excellent.

Be Happy Happiness, as described by Dr. Tal Ben Shahar, former Professor of Positive Psychology at Harvard University, arises from positive engagement in three areas: meaning, strengths, and pleasure. In a well-run school, students discover these elements through focusing on their pursuits and personal growth. While happiness is not the primary goal, it naturally emerges as a by-product of a successful educational environment.

Belong emphasizes the importance of creating a strong sense of community and being a part of something great within the school. Renaissance International School values the power of meaningful connections, collaboration, and inclusivity. By fostering a sense of belonging, students feel valued, supported, and connected to their peers, to their teachers, and to the wider school community.

Be Excellent reflects our commitment to developing exceptional experiences for our students and faculty.  As the saying goes: “Aim for the stars and you may hit the moon!” By encouraging students and faculty to set high standards for themselves as well as supporting them in their academic pursuits, Renaissance School fosters a culture of excellence and achievement.  This fully empowers students to reach their full potential.


As a student-centred, family-focused community, we will guide learners on their journeys towards fulfilling their individual potential, embracing their own independence and internationalism in a safe, supportive, and challenging environment.

Child-Centred: Our mission is to place the needs and well-being of every child at the core of our educational approach, ensuring their individual growth, development, and success.

Family-Focused: We recognize the importance of a strong partnership between the school and families, fostering open communication, collaboration, and shared responsibility in supporting each child’s educational journey.

International: Embracing diversity and global perspectives, we provide an inclusive and culturally rich environment that prepares students to thrive in an interconnected and intercultural world.

Safe and Supportive: Creating a safe and nurturing learning environment is paramount at Renaissance International School. We prioritize the physical, emotional, and social well-being of our students, fostering a supportive community that encourages strong resilience and personal growth.

Challenging: We believe in setting high expectations and providing challenging opportunities for our students to excel academically, develop critical thinking skills, and reach their full potential in whatever area of interest, preparing them for future success.